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August 31 and September 1

Ms. Scofield Daily Assignments

 Tuesday/Wednesday, August 31 and Sept.1, 2010

Formal Geometry Per. 3 and 4

Assignment # 2: Chapter 2 Practice Test

Assignment # 3: Geometry Reference Guide # 1

Assignment # 4: WS. P. 119 and 120

Assignment # 5: Signed Assignment Calendar with 6 week grade

Assignment # 6: Chapter 2 Written Test

Intermediate Algebra Per. 5

Assignment # 1: Parabola Properties Worksheet

Assignment # 2 Signed Assignment Calendar with 6 week grade

Extended Algebra 1A

Assignment # 1: Signed Assignment Calendar with 6 week grade

Assignment # 2: 2 Step Equation Classwork (Yellow sheet)

Assignment # 3: 2 Step Equation Word Problems

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